10 Things You Can Do With Olive Oil

Olive oil isn’t just used in cooking you know; it’s actually a wonder product that we can use in many different situations. You won’t believe the amount of things we can do with this oil! This is something we should always have in our cupboards – here’s why:

1. Use it as a Hair Treatment

Olive oil can be a great treatment for hair, especially if it’s dry or splitting. You can use it in many ways, either the same way you would as a conditioner, or by mixing it into a hair mask and leaving it on overnight. Always wash it out if leaving it on overnight to avoid greasy looking locks.

2. Use it to Strengthen Your Nails

Massage olive oil onto your nails a couple of times per day, and you’ll notice a big difference in their condition and strength. You should be able to get them the same length and shape for once!

3. Use it in Homemade Face Masks

Homemade face masks can be great for the skin, especially when you use ingredients like olive oil. It can help to moisturise skin and keep it looking young, so use it regularly to reap the benefits.

4. Use it to Stop Your Polish Smudging

We’ve all painted our nails at some point or another, only to smudge it at the last minute! By dropping a little olive oil on to the nail plate after painting while the paint is still tacky, you can stop any knocks from causing too much damage.

5. Use it in Cooking

The obvious one – use it in cooking! It’s great for our health and can give us a good dose of healthy fats. Just make sure you’re conservative with it, as it does contain a lot of calories that can thicken that waistline.

6. Use it on Salads

A drizzle of olive oil on salad can transform it from boring to delicious! Use an infused oil for extra flavour.

7. Use it to Dip Bread

Bread dipping can be an excellent way to start a meal, and there’s nothing better to dip it in than some quality olive oil.

8. Use it to Polish Furniture

Is your furniture looking a little dull and dark? Use olive oil on it with a soft cloth to give it a shine up! It’ll leave it looking brand new.

9. Use it to Fix a Stuck Zip

Stuck zips are a pain in the bum, but you never have to deal with them again with olive oil in your arsenal. Simply apply a little to the zip using a cotton bud, and it should move freely again.

10. Use it to Cure Earache

Earache isn’t pleasant, but some warm olive oil applied to the area can really soothe those pains better than any medicine the doctor can give you!

Olive oil is an amazing product, so you’re only missing out by not having it in your cupboards. You’ll always find a great use for it and be glad that you bought it!