We all know that cooking can be therapeutic and leisurely, but it can be more stressful by cluttered and disorganised kitchen. Through a few simple tips such as clearing out your cupboards and storing away seasonal kitchenware, you can reduce the amount of time you spend cleaning and spend more time perfecting your favourite dishes.
Clean Out Your Cupboards
When was the last time you did an inventory of your kitchen cupboards and drawers? If it’s been a while, there is a good chance you are storing a lot of food, kitchen gadgets and bakeware you forgot you had. To keep on top of what you own, clear out your cupboards and wipe them clean once every two months.
Keep, Discard or Sell, Store Away
Once you’ve tidied out a kitchen cupboard or drawer, separate every item into three piles: keep, discard and store away. “Keep” items are fairly self-explanatory and should be things you use regularly. For items you want to discard, consider selling them or giving them to charity to avoid unnecessary waste.
In your “store away” pile, include items that you rarely use such as seasonal baking equipment or birthday party accessories. If you’re short on space, you might event want to store these away in a different part your house, such as a garage or attic. This will help you free up more space for the items you use more regularly. Set yourself the challenge of using ingredients you forgot you had by trying out new recipes but make sure that they are still in date before you do this.
Break it Down
De-cluttering your kitchen can be an overwhelming task. That’s why breaking it down into smaller chunks can make a huge difference to your motivation. Focus on cleaning and sorting out one cupboard or drawer at a time. Don’t feel pressured to de-clutter your kitchen all at once either; you might decide to spend ten minutes a day sorting out one section of your kitchen before moving onto the next the day after.
Store Extra Kitchenware Away
The fewer dinner plates, mugs, knives, forks and glasses you use on a daily basis, the less time you have to spend washing up. One way to keep your washing up routine minimal is by storing away any additional kitchenware that you don’t have to use. For example, if you are a household of two, make sure you only use two plates at one time. This virtuous cycle means you’ll always have to clean your old plates before you enjoy your next meal. The rest you can store away for your next dinner party.
Make Cleaning Easy
If there’s one area of your kitchen that should be well-stocked then it is the cleaning supplies! Old sponges, dirty cloths and gloves with holes in them can make cleaning an unpleasant experience. From blocked drains to scrubbing off burnt food at the bottom of your pans, having the right cleaning products and accessories can make cleaning up after a meal quicker and easier everyday so do yourself a favour and make life easy on yourself.
If you love to cook but loathe cleaning, having a clean, tidy and de-cluttered kitchen can make all the difference to enjoying your meals at home. Use these tips to whip your kitchen into shape.